KT Tunstall與Grey's Anatomy版之個人think.......


KT Tunstall就是很張懸的唱法因聽到的(是live版本的關係)後來找到KT的最原始版本_又是不一樣感覺,原創人真的是唱的很不錯,也很有愛~總之大家都唱的非常不錯,唱片CP值很高(大概是這首歌寫的很有愛,像是華語林憶蓮的 至少還有你)

<<Grey's Anatomy 7x18 - Universe and U - Callie and Arizona_KBel20

 Universe and U( 原唱:KT Tunstall)

A fire burns                                       點燃的火焰
Water comes                                    水來
You cool me down                             你使我平靜
When i'm cold inside                         當我感到孤獨
You are warm and bright                  你熱情和明亮
You know you are so good for me    你是對我最好的
With your child's eyes                       借著你孩子的眼睛
You are more then you seem            你會看到更多
You see into space                           看到太空
I see in your face                              我看到你的臉
The places you've been                    你經過的地方
The things you have learned            你學習過的事
They sit with you so beautifully        世間因你美好

You know there's no need to hide away        你知道 沒必要隱藏
You know i tell the truth                                 你知道 我是真誠的
We are just the same                                    我們都一樣
I can feel everything you do                          我能感覺到你所做的一切
Hear everything you say                                我能聽見你說的每一字一句
Even when you're miles away                        即使當你遠離的時候
Coz I am me the universe & you                    我讓我的宇宙跟隨著你
Just like the stars burning bright         正如明亮燃燒的星星一樣
Making holes in the night                    在夜晚的洞
We are Building bridges                      我們建造橋樑 

You know                                            你知道
When you're on your own                  當你感到孤單
I'll sned you a sign                             我會對你呼喊
just so you know                                讓你安心
I am me the universe & you               我讓我的宇宙跟隨著你


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