(2019更新)或許刺青已經不是特殊象徵或族群代表,刺青在現代可以作為一個人的獨特性和其所要紀念的象徵,已沒有低評價或惡意對待,所以現代許多人去刺青.擁有刺青,像手扶電梯前的人 腳踝刺青,或是某店的收銀員的手部刺青,很多人刺青~但不代表每個人都適合,其中也有許多是後悔的~例:
參考這篇boredpanda.com(圖文引用)‘I Was Totally Prepared To Douse My Face In Acid:’ Ex-Skinhead Gets His Racist Tattoos Removed After Becoming A Dad
完整報導2011/10/31mrt news>>ex-skinhead removes tattoos
The complete removal of Widner’s facial tattoos took around a year and a half, and he had to endure over a dozen individual procedures, all of them were excruciatingly painful.
“This is not going to be any fun.”