Reference ID: xxMARxx
You are receiving this automated notification because you have been selected on a random basis as a winner in our March 2023 SuperLucky draw. Receiving this notification means that your prize has been properly confirmed and is ready to be paid.
您收到此自動通知是因為您被隨機選為我們 2023 年 3 月 SuperLucky 抽獎的獲勝者。 收到此通知即表示您的獎品已得到妥善確認,可以支付了。
Please ensure that you read the information provided in this notification email as it contains details of the necessary procedure required to be carried out to claim your prize. In this e-mail, you will also find an overview of the draw and the amount won. Please notify us in case of errors or questions.
請務必閱讀此通知電子郵件中提供的信息,因為其中包含領取獎品所需執行的必要程序的詳細信息。 在這封電子郵件中,您還可以找到抽獎概覽和中獎金額。 如有錯誤或問題,請通知我們。
SuperLucky is a philanthropic sweepstakes program that aims to inspire and support a global network of individuals to work together to help solve global challenges. More information can be found on our website.
Winners are randomly selected from all eligible email entries sourced from the internet across x countries globally.獲獎者是從全球X個國家/地區的互聯網上所有符合條件的電子郵件條目中隨機選出的。
The amount won is: x00000GBP.GBP=英鎊
To claim your prize online, send us an email with your name, age, phone number, a physical address where you can receive a cheque and in two or three sentences, describe what you will do with the funds. If possible, please also provide an alternate email address.在線領取獎,回信附上您的姓名、年齡、電話號碼、您可以接收支票的實際地址
* All emails should be sent to - @
* The reference number provided at the top of this notice should be the Subject of your message.
* There is no restriction on what you can do with the funds (as long as it's legal!). However the prize approval will be based on the information provided.
* Your Full Name (as on your valid ID card) is required for verification and prize payment purposes.* 需要您的全名(姓名相同的有效身份證)以進行驗證和支付獎金。