
 <<雪警樂團 Snow Patrol - 狂野世代 Wildness(前導片)_UNIVERSAL MUSIC TAIWAN 環球音樂 

Run/Snow Patrol

I'll sing it one last time for you              讓我把這悲歌唱最後一次給妳聽
Then we really have to go                     接著就不能不起程了
You've been the only thing that's right    妳是我這生唯一沒錯做的事
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you                   而我也不太敢注視妳
But every single time I do                      但每當我這樣做時
I know we'll make it anywhere                我就清楚我們可以堅持下去
Anyway from here                                 任何的艱辛泥路
 Light up, light up                                  亮吧 就清晰著
As if you have a choice                          就像是妳還沒翻到人生完結篇時
Even if you cannot hear my voice            既使已聽不到我的吶喊細語
I'll be right beside you dear                    我還是會永世陪在妳旁
Louder louder                                       大聲 就大聲點
And we'll run for our lives                       我們的人生不就是我跟妳要去闖的嗎?
I can hardly speak I understand               我很難解釋為什麼終於我了解
Why you can't raise your voice to say       但妳就無法跟著我一起大聲附和嗎?
To think I might not see those eyes         ㄧ想到無法在看到那對動人淚眼時
Makes it so hard not to cry                      妳怎能叫我不崩潰
And as we say our long goodbye               而當妳準備響起來世前奏時
I nearly do >                                         只有百分之ㄧ的我是存在的
Light up...                                             希望....給我希望
Slower slower                                        慢點 慢點
We don't have time for that                    我們完全都還沒準備好
I just want to find an easier way             我純粹只是想找個捷徑
To get out of our little heads                   一個能逃出思緒的路線
Have heart my dear                                我的寶貝 請妳感受
We're bound to be afraid                         我們既將要陷入恐懼泥沙
Even if it's just for a few days                  就算只剩那短短幾天
Making up for all this mess                      來讓我們善後彼此的過錯
\\原版CD Up To Now是CP值最高的一張,2CD共30歌\\
雖然這首歌是Snow Patrol主唱為故友所寫,一首記念破碎的心悲傷的歌,逝者已逝我們有好好的向亡者道別~就是最好的記念
    創作者 luce 的頭像


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